Panic, Fear and All in our Head

Over the years I have learned various techniques, seen different people, tried all sorts of therapies for Anxiety.  Meditation is a key tool, Breathing techniques, Better Diet and Exercise.  I, however came across this talk today which has just blown my mind.  Now this has come at a time in my life when I fully understand exactly what they are talking about from actual experience.

I love how Joe Rogan, a strong athletic ambitious healthy guy talks with Dan Harris, who has suffered with panic attacks.  Now Joe states, he has never had a panic attack, but in the interview he states he has felt intense fear and nervousness and pushes himself to feel the fear so that then daily life becomes easier.  This is like a major AHA moment for me.  His mind doesn’t translate fear to being weak and running away, his mind is trained to feel the fear, surrender to it and push past it.  Whereas people who state they have anxiety say that they will run and hide cause the fear just takes over the whole body and our rational mind is taken over.

I love this, our thoughts are so powerful, we are limited by our mind unless we take control of it.  If you have suffered with panic attacks start now by retraining your mind, every day.

Please take a look at this video as it honestly has opened up my eyes to so much.


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